Scientific Name: Aloe vera

Family: Asphodelaceae

Common Name: Aloe vera

Parts Used: Leaves     

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is stemless or has very short fibrous steam which is hardly visible due to the presence of dense leaves. It spreads with the help of offset and grows 30-50 cm but its other species are the tress which grow 3-5 m in North African deserts. The characteristic feature of this plant are the thick and fleshy green / grey greenish leaves with some white flecks on upper and lower surfaces in some varieties. They are flat on the top and convex from the bottom side Serrated leaf margin with small teeth is one of the unique character of the plant.

Due to its medicinal values, Aloe vera is extensively used in beauty products and several other purposes due to its healing properties. The translucent and extremely bitter gel present in the leaves of this plant contains 96% water and 18-20 types of amino acids along with Vitamins A, B ,C and E. 

Some of the many uses of this plant are mentioned below: 

  • It accelerates wound healing and relieves burns (1*,2*)

  • Antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic properties helps in acne and skin treatments (3*)

  • It reduces the dental plaque (4*)

  • It reduces constipation and shows its efficacy in digestive health (5*,6*)

  • Relieves anal fissures (7*)

  • Aloe vera is rich in Vitamin C and E hence helps to maintain healthy skin

  • It can be used to make to hair moisturized and silky

Besides having numerous health benefits, it should not be used without consulting a doctor because it may have side effects if it is taken internally and you are under some medications. So, consult before using.


Aloe vera has been widely cultivated as an ornamental plant. It can be grown in hot and humid climate with high rainfall conditions. Any kind of soil rich in organic matter is suitable for cultivating this plant.

Aloe vera cultivation
For commercial cultivation, the necessary requirements are given below:

Soil and Climate:

The hot and humid climate with high rainfall conditions from 100-120 cm is said to be ideal for Aloe vera cultivation . The soil should be rich in organic matter and sunlight should be available because shady conditions lead to disease infestation. Aloe vera plants are sensitive to water stagnation hence a well drained high land needs to be selected for its cultivation.

Aloe vera propagation

The seedlings raised from the roots of the plants are planted in the field. Raising from the seeds is difficult hence vegetative propagation through the suckers is considered as the best method of plantation. The land is ploughed and made weed free before plantation of aloe vera. After plantation watering is avoided for 2/3 days so that the roots damaged during plantation may get time to repair. If watering is done immediately, the roots may get damaged due to root rot. Watering should be done regularly in dry season and infrequently during cold season.


  • Weeds should be cleared carefully and regularly

  • Increase sunlight accessibility if the leaves look flat and low 

  • Decrease sunlight if leaves turn brown

  • Increase water if leaves look thin and curled

  • Stop watering if leaves turn yellow or fall apart

Picking the leaves and Harvesting

Aloe may have thousands of health benefits but we must be cautious while ingesting or using it because the mismatched dose may cause diarrhea, nausea, dry mouth etc. Leaves should be picked from the mature plants. When their tips attain a rosy tinge it is understood that the leaves are ripe and ready for harvesting. Since it is a slow growing plant, many leaves should not be picked, we should go for large ripe leaves rather than small ones. Handpicking may cause tissue damage to the plant. So, a clean knife should be used and cutting should be done near the trunk.
Transluecnt Aloe vera flesh

After cutting, the leaves can be seen with  very bitter yellowish sap known as aloin which may cause stomach problems in consumers. It should be washed properly and the outer skin from all sides including the yellowish part should be removed till a clear white translucent flesh is seen.


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