MINT |PUDINA:पुदिना |

Scientific Name : Mentha

Family: Lamiaceae

Common Name: Mint (English), Pudina (Nepali/ Hindi)

Season: Generally harvested in March-April

Parts used: Shoot



Mint is an aromatic, perennial herb of family Lamiaceae which can grow 10-12 cm tall.  Its leaves are green to dark green in color and arranged in opposite pairs with serrated margins. Many specie like peppermint, spearmint are popularly used as spice under the name of mint. It has been used as spice and flavoring agent in many dishes, beverages, infusions, salads, desserts etc. Many species of mint were used as traditional medicine since a long time ago due to their potential herbal health benefits. Mint has been a go to spice for the gastrointestinal problems.


Mint is best known for imparting the cooling sensation  after consumption. Researches have shown that this particular spice has various health benefits whether it is applied externally, inhalation of aroma or consumption itself.  Some of its benefits are mentioned below:

Mint / Mentha /Pudina

  • Improves the irritable bowel syndrome. (1*)

  • It is a nutrient rich spice. Its a a potent source of antioxidant, vitamin A which is good for eye health.( 2*)

  • Relieves indigestion. (3*, 4*)

  • Increase brain function, alertness and decrease the level of anxiety, frustration  and fatigue (5*)

  • Researches have shown that peppermint oil may reduce the breastfeeding pain (6*)

  • It may play a role in soothing common cold symptoms. (7*)

  • It may be used as mouth freshner.


Mint Cultivation

Mints are used for many purposes like for garden accents, ground covers, air freshener, herbal medicines. They thrive is sun as well as shades and are vigorous spreaders. Hence cultivation of mint is a fun job to do. This tremendously spreading spice thrives in light soil with good drainage. It prefers well drained areas and is native to the stream banks. Variegated species may require some sun protection. Watering the plant regularly is must. This way minimal care can give you a well grown mint basket. The pests and diseases to be taken care of are: leaf spot, stem canker, rust, powdery mildew etc. Frequent harvesting of the leaves is the key to keep the mint growth to its best. If you want to propagate the plant, the simplest way is to cut the well grown step and place it horizontally in the soil or place in water. it can root both ways. 

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