Scientific Name: Morchella conica

Common Name: Morel Mushroom, Guchchi Chyau

Family: Morchellaceae

Altitude:3000-4000m  western Nepal

Season: May - June

Parts Used: Whole part above ground


Morchella (Diagramatic)

Morel Mushroom or Morchella is an edible genus of sac fungi having honey comb likes structure which is formed by the network of ridges with the pits composing their caps. Since the cultivation of the species is very difficult, the harvesting of wild morels is known to be commercialized as multimillionaire industry in the Northern hemisphere of the globe. Though 8 species of Morchella are harvested in Nepal, M. conica is the most common one. It is distributed from 2000m to 3500 m from east to west in Nepal, but Karnali region is known for its abundance. It grows in dead and decayed organic matter and rotten woods of plant and appears roughly black and net like. The traded part is almost like an unopened umbrella in structure, 2-3 cm thickened inner side containing tissues.


Morchella conica

Traditionally, Morel Mushroom is used as delicious vegetable and energetic medicine. Some describe it as herbal boon to pharmacology due to its multipurpose uses and hence it makes a good income generating source for rural livelihood. Its paste is used in burn in Himalayan districts of Nepal. Some of its medicinal values are mentioned below:

  • Its soup is taken during or after the fever (1*)
  • It is rich source of Vitamin D (2*)

·        Harvesting:

Morel Mushroom (Guchchhi Chyau)

The life cycle of Morchella conica is maximum for a month after its germination. After maturing, it can be found it a good condition for a week, after that it starts rotting and cannot be harvested. Therefore, the umbrella like part and stem should be harvested from May to July. The harvested and dried Morel is black and light in weight.

Conservation Status:

Morel Mushroom
Government of Nepal has prioritized it for Cultivation and Conservation.



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